She was looking for something, and was found by him. Watercolor and ink on paper.
He was asleep until you came

Los Perseguidores (The Pursuers) was about a couple. She and He know each other, two strangers from The Wrong Side of Town. In the End they decide to go on a quest for a new world to live in, they make a boat out of a splinter and sails out of a petal. I never knew if they made it or if they drowned.
She was looking for something, and was found by him. Watercolor and ink on paper.
When she was a child she loved tress. Loves them still. Here she is saying goodbye to one that was killed the next day. Watercolor and ink on paper.
I don’t know if they found it, i wish they managed to weather all storms. Ink on paper.
Him and Her where together for a long time. It was a good encounter. Ink and watercolor on paper.