Before she decides to go to the Great Sea, Errut considers what she doesn´t need in her life. She lacks the time to know it. She feels she is running out of time to decide. Graphite on paper.
3 am, you better go

Errut is a shoe-shiner from the Wrong Side of Town. He is fed up with her job, to the point she is no longer capable of remembering where she came from and why she is doing what she does. So she decides she wants to see the Great Sea.
Before she decides to go to the Great Sea, Errut considers what she doesn´t need in her life. She lacks the time to know it. She feels she is running out of time to decide. Graphite on paper.
Errut arrives at the Great Sea, she gets rid of her box and her gloves. What she craves most is to feel the sand and the water. A different kind of reflection. Ink on paper.
Errut descends towards the Great Sea, the dragon whispering the whereabouts in her ear. The only thing she kept was her black box. Watercolor and ink on paper.
Errut takes the white dragon home, where she feeds him with her shoe shining equipment. The dragon almost gags but swallows it. Now Errut has no means of making a living in that city, she has to leave. Ink and watercolor on paper.
Wandering around an unknown neighborhood, Errut meets a little white dragon who looks famished. He promises to tell her how to get to the Great Sea, if she provides him with something valuable to eat. Ink and watercolor on paper.
Errut hops on the metro, hoping to bump into someone who knows how to get to the Great Sea. Ink and watercolor on paper.
Errut tries in vain to remember the last time shoe shinning made her happy. Or how was it that she ended up looking at her reflection on so many people´s glossy shoes. Graphite on paper.
Errut came from another city, but she no longer remebers which, nor why she moved out. Charcoal and pastel on paper.
Errut realizes on one fine day that she is fed up with shoe shining. She has heard about the Great Sea. But she doesn´t know if she´ll be able to reach it. Graphite on paper.
Errut Trastabire is a shoe-shiner, a professional one. World class. She works in a noisy, overpopulated city of dirty shoed people. Here she tries to find her way back home in the middle of a terrible traffic jam. Graphite on paper.