Errut came from another city, but she no longer remebers which, nor why she moved out. Charcoal and pastel on paper.
She came from the City

Errut came from another city, but she no longer remebers which, nor why she moved out. Charcoal and pastel on paper.
Errut realizes on one fine day that she is fed up with shoe shining. She has heard about the Great Sea. But she doesn´t know if she´ll be able to reach it. Graphite on paper.
Errut Trastabire is a shoe-shiner, a professional one. World class. She works in a noisy, overpopulated city of dirty shoed people. Here she tries to find her way back home in the middle of a terrible traffic jam. Graphite on paper.
Come under this three, tie a wish on its branches, and it mat come true. Graphite and watercolor on canvas.
The old crone doesn’t complaint, doesn’t whine, she doesn’t need her eyes. She can see through her amulet. And she watches much more than those who were born with the gift of sight. Graphite and watercolor on canvas.
The old maid got pregnant in spite of her age. She will deliver sextuplets. She doesn’t know when. The moon eclipse frightens her and she ties a red ribbon around her belly to protect her unborn children. Graphite and watercolor on canvas.
The old man broke his leg. In several parts. The bone was splintered. His skeleton is brittle but he wanted to jump anyway. The amulets around his neck didn’t protect him. Now he sacrificed a butterfly so that he will heal quicker. Graphite and watercolor on canvas.
The time has come for the prophetess. Her disciples chant and cast spells, trying in vain to stop her death. They tie blessings to her bedposts, pray in group and despair. She tries to tell them she goes in peace. And that nothing will stop her. Graphite on canvas.
Saskia needs luck. She goes out to purchase a little. Luck is a leper that sometimes leaves her pieces scattered around, and she barely holds herself together inside her robes. She chops off the leg of a rabbit and makes an amulet for Saskia. Graphite and watercolor on canvas.
The chubby witch sells a magical water made from soaking women’s used underwear. This is supposed to make the man of your dreams fall head over heels for you i he drinks it. Seems that the witch’s clients would benefit more from a makeover. The witch’s dog steals the underwear from some market. Women are being deceived. Graphite on canvas.
The girl is a demon containing pottery maker. She writes a spell on them to keep the enclosed demons quiet inside the darkness of the vase. But a misspelled letter is going to take its toll on her. Graphite on canvas.
Envy, with her face greener than usual, hovers above a crowd holding amulets of protection against her. Powerless, she can’t find a place to land her universal vessel. Graphite and watercolor on canvas.
“Si no puedo dibujarlo, es que no lo entiendo”
-Albert Einstein
Se me han ido tantas horas de mi vida trazando líneas, dibujando con distintos medios: lápiz, tinta, carbón, acuarela, pastel, mordentes en el metal, lápices de colores, crayolas, tiralíneas, plumas atómicas, que he decidido escribir un poco acerca de ello.
Creo que los dibujantes tenemos una forma un poco abstracta de ver el mundo. Porque aunque dibujemos figurativo (o sea representemos formas y figuras reconocibles por tener una base en el mundo real) la verdad es que el universo tal como lo percibimos los humanos no se vé con rayitas.
Las líneas son una cosa francamente fascinante. Si las pones muy juntitas producen un efecto más oscuro que si las separas. Puedes superponer capas de líneas para producir efectos de sombras y transparencias a la manera de una acuarela o un temple. Es como ir entretejiendo una forma, (y miren que yo no sé tejer, pero los hilos y las líneas tienen semejanzas muy sospechosas, la tela de la que está hecha la ropa está formada de cientos de hilos muy muy juntos, sólo que no los percibimos a simple vista) todo este asunto de tejer (¿o hilar?) con líneas lo han entendido a la perfección artistas de todas las épocas, entre los grandes está mi ídolo de todos los tiempos: Rembrandt, también Vlady (mi nuevo amor), ese mujerón de sensibilidad exquisita: Kathé Kollwitz, el genio del aguafuerte: Piranesi, y por supuesto Harry Clarke: virtuoso de la tinta.
Hay otro grande secreto de las líneas encerrado en una pequeña palabra que obra milagros, muy a la manera del “Abracadabra” que le abrió la cueva a Aladino, esa enormísima e infaltable capacidad que ha de dominar cualquier dibujante que quiera preciarse de serlo, un vocablo que abre los misterios de la profundidad a la que se puede llegar con un instrumento tan humilde como un lápiz o una plumilla insertada en un canutero, el último bastión del(a) hilvanador(a) de líneas: la paciencia.
Porque las líneas no sólo sirven para delimitar una forma en la pista de juegos del papel o el bastidor, también constituyen una red completa de sombras que le den volumen a toda figura por más vulgar o fantástica que sea.
El dibujo es una técnica que revela sin tapujos el estado emocional de quien lo ejecuta. No hay forma de parapetarse detrás de una masa de color, las líneas quebradas, rígidas o interrumpidas hablan del dibujante, de su capacidad o carencia de ella, de su nerviosismo o falta de concentración. Las líneas obsesivas, fluidas, desgarradas y repetidas hablan de la pasión, el fervor, la neurosis, el lirismo del autor.
Por algo la letra de cada quién revela tanto, la caligrafía no es mas que una forma de dibujo.
El dibujo ofrece una cartografía del alma. Es espiritual.
Estoy haciendo el quehacer sesuda y esmeradamente porque hoy por la noche Minas Morgul se viste de gala. El paso de la Araña se engalana de antorchas, las dos escaleras se iluminan con cientos de velas, hoy el aliento de la armada orca se une para entonar himnos de martini y rotolatas.
Ayer fuí a Jocotepec y no comí nieve. Ayer terminé otro cuadro: una tina con pies para una mujer sin ni uno.
Una amiga tuvo una semana de santo recogimiento, yo tuve que envolvió una revelación que me dejó sin copas en mi casa y las uñas más mordidas de lo habitual. Ni idea que haré.
Me voy a limpiar el baño.
Encontré en modo “chuffle” de mi Ipod esta canción de Alanis Morrissette, esta mujer no es mi hit, pero la letra de su canción: “Not the doctor” resume algunas de las cosas que le diría a cualquier hombre que desee caminar conmigo:
I don’t want to be the filler if the void is solely yours
I don’t want to be your glass of single malt whiskey
Hidden in the bottom drawer
I don’t want to be a bandage if the wound is not mine
Lend me some fresh air
I don’t want to be adored for what I merely represent to you
I don’t want to be your babysitter
You’re a very big boy now
I don’t want to be your mother
I didn’t carry you in my womb for nine months
Show me the back door
Visiting hours are 9 to 5 and if I show up at 10 past 6
Well I already know that you’d find some way to sneak me in and oh
Mind the empty bottle with the holes along the bottom
You see it’s too much to ask for and I am not the doctor
I don’t want to be the sweeper of the eggshells that you walk upon
I don’t want to be your other half I believe that 1 and 1 make 2
I don’t want to be your food or the light from the fridge
on your face at midnight
Hey what are you hungry for
I don’t want to be the glue that holds your pieces together
I don’t want to be your idol
See this pedestal is high and I’m afraid of heights
I don’t want to be lived through
A vicarious occasion
Please open the window
I don’t want to live on someday when my motto is last week
I don’t want to be responsible for your fractured heart
and its wounded beat
I don’t want to be a substitute for the smoke you’ve been inhaling
Well, What do you thank me,
What do you thank me for?!
April has come, bringing with itself heat. Tons of heat. Two weeks ago i faced a dead drunk unicorn on my doorstep, trying to hug me in a very suspicious manner. Things could have gotten extremely ugly if i had not politely kicked him out of my house. But i had a terrible night, being stone-drunk myself, i thought i had ruined everything, and that things would never be the same. That it was my fault, and that the bubble had finally burst.
But with the morning came sobriety and things passed smoothly, as if nothing ever happened.
Because nothing really happened.
The unicorn called and he gave me his poker voice. Great for me. But i was exhausted, having slept poorly sprawled on the floor, as this was the only spot of my house that wasn´t spinning in that ill- fated night. I remember the light of my laptop shinning gloomy in the middle of the darkness, on top of my bed as i cried.
But this passed, and my world is fine again. I am working with a great pace and most importantly: peacefully. In spite of all the everyday problems one must face just for being alive.
I have seen good friends, gone out with guys, started new proyects, got drunk again, screamed at a concert, drawn like crazy, discovered unknown artists, sweated in the engraving workshop, eaten scarcely, sang alone, kissed my beloved Klo, updated my blogs, worked on my upcoming website and many more secret activities.
I bought two novels in LA, one is American Gods, the other one is Good Omens. I have read neither one. Yet.
So i´m off to sleep. I felt like escaping today, from this guy who brought me home. Maybe because he said he wanted children. But God knows.
Take Care You All!!
¿Qué es un hombre rebelde?
Es un hombre que dice: “No”
-Albert Camus
Ví un libro publicado por el CONACULTA acerca del Taller de Grabado Mario Reyes en el taller al que asisto. Es una publicación modesta, con fotos de calidad bastante pobre, y sin embargo, la imagen pequeña y borrosa de un grabado bastó para dejarme intrigadísima con lo que observé: una escena de un cuarto, resuelta con líneas trepidantes, vertiginosas; personajes extraños habitando un armario. Un haz de luz temblorosa bajando por la ventana. Un ave indistinta muy tiesa en una esquina. Mi maestro me dijo que él vió ese grabado en vivo, que era una absoluta belleza, y que retrataba uno de los cuartos de la celebérrima Casa Azul de Coyoacán; hogar en su momento de Diego Rivera y Frida Kahlo. El autor: un ruso naturalizado mexicando llamado Víctor Kibalchich Rusakov, mejor conocido como Vlady.
Vlady nació en Petrogrado en 192o, en medio de la guerra civil. Su padre fué el escritor y político Víctor Serge, quien sufrió la persecución por el régimen totalitarista de Stalin. Escribió: “Pasaba las noches con los comunistas, en los puestos avanzados de la defensa. Mi mujer, encinta, dormía detrás en una ambulancia. Con una pequeña maleta que contenía algo de ropa y nuestros objetos más queridos, con el fin de que pudiésemos reunirnos durante el combate y abandonar juntos el campo de batalla”.
Vlady y su padre se exiliaron en Bélgica y luego en la nación francesa, donde internaron en una clínica a su madre: Liouba, quien agobiada por las persecuciones había perdido el juicio. Ella moriría ahí unos años después.
Durante su estancia en Francia decidió ser pintor, conoció a figuras como André Bretón, Wilfredo Lam y Aristide Maillol, quien lo inició en la técnica del grabado. Desgraciadamente, la ocupación de Francia por parte de los nazis en 1941 obligó a padre e hijo a exiliarse sin ser aceptados, por su filiación comunista, en La Martinica, República Dominicana y Cuba. Felizmente, México los acepta en 1943.
Víctor Serge falleció en 1947. Vlady se casó entonces con la mexicana Isabel Díaz, a su lado comienzó a incorporar en él la amalgama única de las culturas rusa y mexicana. Según la crítica de arte Berta Taracena, Isabel se convirtió en “La tierra de Vlady” dándole por fin una patria y un idioma al refugiado franco-ruso.
En 1949 se naturalizó mexicano, participando desde 1945 en mútliples exposiciones colectivas e individuales. Hizo viajes de estudio a Europa, fué seleccionado para participar en varias Bienales, entre ellas las de París, Sao Paulo, Tokio y Córdoba en Argentina.
Promotor de la Generación de La Ruptura (que perseguía una separación de la corriente nacionalista, buscando terminar con la hegemonía de los tres grandes: Rivera, Siqueiros y Orozco) se acercó a artistas como Alberto Gironella, José Luis Cuevas, Héctor Javier y Enrique Echeverría, estableciendo los derroteros del Nuevo Arte Moderno a partir de los cincuentas.
Aunque es la obra gráfica lo que más me fascinó de la obra de este ruso, he de decirles que Vlady también realizó murales: entre ellos unos monumentales en el Palacio Nacional de La Revolución, en Nicaragua , y los que adornan los muros de la Biblioteca Miguel Lerdo de Tejada en la Ciudad de México.
No le faltó el reconocimiento, en 1968 recibió la beca Guggenheim y viajó a Nueva York por más de un año a producir obra en compañía de Isabel. En 1998, el gobierno de Francia lo nombró Caballero de las Artes y las Letras, y en 2004, a un año de su muerte, donó alrededor de 4,600 obras, entre pinturas, dibujos y grabados, al pueblo de México por medio del Insituto Nacional de Bellas Artes (INBA).
Esto es sólo un poco de lo que es el vasto contexto que formó a este extraordinario artista. Les recomiendo con todo mi corazón que no se queden sin conocerlo. Aquí sólo abrí una pequeña ventana, como aquella del grabado de él que tanto me conmovió. Yo sólo puedo decirles que tengo un nuevo amor. Y que es ruso.
Nadir gets to know another six kids like him, all with curly hair and black robes. Maybe they couldn’t think of black possibilities anymore. And with the lights shimmering over their heads, they guide to safety the ships that threaten to crash against the shores of The Wrong Side of Town. Ink on paper.
Nadir can see from afar six flickering lights. He heads towards them among the soft dunes, his black tunic flapping in the wind. She turns his head once more and sees that Cenit has come to say goodbye. The girl lifts her small hand and bids her brother farewell. Ink on paper.
Nadir runs into Errut Trastabire, the new destiny shuffler on the entrance to the Sea. This fire thumbed woman stamps new lines on his hands. Now he has chosen a different road, like she did in her time . Ink and watercolor on paper.
Nadir decides to go to the sea. His father is furious. Nadir doesn’t know where his courage comes from, but he is no longer capable of thinking about the black posibilites of the city. He goes out to the street and there is the Old Man. It doesn’t seem that the City will be affected by a young man looking for the Great Sea. Ink on paper.
Nadir’s family begins to suspect that something is not quite alright. The boy carries a strange light above his head. Cenit doesn’t feel good knowing she is being let win and points at it. The parents, angry at first, worried afterwards, ask themselves what they did wrong. Graphite on paper.
The Table Ritual took place once a month, when the red jar inside her mother’s belly emptied. His father, linear time, his sister, the white conscience, him, the black one. They tried to keep the white and black in balance inside the table, or something could happen in the city. Nadir was having trouble concentrating on everything that could go wrong so that his sister could counteract it, and so white was winning ground. Underneath the table, Nadir began to believe he could be something more than what his family expected from him. Graphite on paper.
Nadir hears a strange sound behind him, he turns around and sees the Old Man. A long, white-bearded man with a flame on the palm of his hand. Behind him: The Great Sea of which he has only heard in bed-time stories. How he would like to know the sea! Before he takes his place inside the family. Graphite on paper.
For the family picture, Nadir would have preferred to stay home, but there was no way to sneak out of it. Many things on The Wrong Side of Town depended of the balance within this family. Graphite on paper.
Nadir and his family come back home after shopping. He is 13 and like all men his age, feels he doesn’t fit anywhere. His little sister Cenit idolizes him, though they couldn’t be more different. Graphite on paper.
Lavinia knocks on Klodia´s door, she opens wearing Lavinia´s sandals. Klodia doesn’t realize her visitor´s facial expression, but focuses on the presence of the other woman lurking at the end of Lavinia´s dress. She knows it was her who caused her accident. It is the first time that someone who doesn’t need an Emotiontomy comes to her. And it is also the first time Lavinia visits a ghost-free house. Graphite on canvas.
After having some sips of the Ugly Soup, Lavinia lets herself fall on Klodia´s couch, feeling totally strange. The world has become a blurred canvas, she feels someone yanking the back of her dress, like she is trying to be dragged somewhere. Etching and touche.
Lavinia and Klodia bid farewell, both have gotten rid of a heavy burden, obtained new shoes and made a friend. Graphite on canvas.
Lavinia takes the elevator in Klodia´s building. The fat lift attendant knows she is headed for the fourth floor. Lavinia looks like she needs an Emotiontomy, but all she wants is her sandals back. Graphite and silverpoint on canvas.
Lavinia and Klodia see each other frequently to continue what they began when for a short moment each one walked a little in each other’s shoes. Watercolor and ink on paper.
Lavinia reads Klodia´s palm, thinking she had never seen a hand like this. Klodia´s guilt for accidentally having killed a patient is deeply graven in her flesh, forming a deep line that seems to cut her hand in two. Lavinia runs a finger through the line, encouraging Klodia to talk about it. Klodia empties her heart to Lavinia. Nobody had ever done such a thing for her. Graphite and silverpoint on canvas.
Mirna decided to let her creation hanging from the rooftops, she cut her dress up to her ankles and came down.The sky was a myriad of brilliant colored stripes that rippled with the breeze. He realized that she would remain silent for a while. Watercolor and graphite on canvas.
Mirna worked fervently. For entire weeks her colleagues quietly observed how her colored dress grew and grew everytime she added more and more fabric. And when she dyed the new pieces all the hues and shadows blended hypnotically. No one dared to speak a word to her. They remembered too well the ice cream episode. When Mirna finished and busily unravelled her creation on the city tops she never knew she was delivering their first rainbow in generations. Watercolor and graphite on canvas.
Mirna has no need of her tongue, with threads and needles she is more eloquent than many of the blathering inhabitants of The Wrong Side of Town. Watercolor and graphite on canvas.
Mirna needs lots of fabric to take to reality an idea that has been fluttering in her mind since she saw something long forgotten floating in the vapors of the Dyeing Room. Her fabric provider, a lecherous old man named Luis makes the terrible mistake of asking her why she wants it for. She sews his mouth shut, but this time she makes a good knot.Just to make sure he won’t be telling anybody she is up to something. Watercolor and graphite on canvas.
Mirna is not, by any means, the most generous person you’ll ever know. She adores Mamme ice cream and never shares. Her colleagues look at her with envy, but nobody dares to say anything, until that new girl, Nyx, dares to confront her about her selfishness. Mirna sews her mouth shut immediately, with blinding speed. But she leaves the threads loose, with no knot. And later, a sobbing Nyx pulls the thread off gently. Watercolor and graphite on canvas.
It is not known if Mirna is really mute or if she has never felt the need to speak. Her counterparts consider her an enigma: cold, arrogant and fiendishly gifted. He walks with her head high, long striding along the building, with a mere gesture of her long needles she gets her point across with starking austerity. Her sense of smell is so sharp she can distinguish each color particle’s odor, her is capable of knowing hues just with her touch, eyes closed. She loves her work. She was born to do it. Watercolor and graphite on canvas.
North of The Wrong Side of Town is the Fabric-dyers district; this is a sisterhood which holds in their hands the sole fountain of bright colors in the whole city. They dye the clothing of its inhabitants, and also are wonderful seamstresses. The head of the guild is Mirna de Ciglia, a mute woman who is never silent. Watercolor and graphite on canvas.
Anja is bored. She wants to go out but she doesn´t want to ask for permission to her father either. A permission that will surely be denied. So she decides to leave without saying. A little nervous but also exhilarated with the perspective of adventure, she opens the door and slids out quietly. Watercolor and graphite on canvas.
Mr. Gourmet prefers traditional toothpicks to clean his teeth after a banquet. And when he takes away the food between his teeth he tastes it again, saving the flavors inside his thick skull. Graphite and watercolor on canvas.
Always looking for new flavors, the Gourmets try everything. She has an exquisite palate, she detects the slightest changes in the savory substance of every food her taste buds touch. She could miss any of her senses except for the one she holds dearest inside her mouth. He grows drousy trying to listen to her flavor experiences. Graphite and watercolor on canvas.
The insatiable ones from Needle Alley, portrayed in a day they could have eaten a horse. Literally. Graphite and watercolor on canvas.
She is not aware that she wants to swallow him, take him inside her flesh, make him hers, and that he lives from her blood. One. The little dog is all of us who witness the scene. He can’t take her, his cravings will never match hers. Graphite on canvas.
It would be wise for Mr. Gourmet to listen to his wife. Her messages come and he is helpless getting them. She is boiling with untold secrets that he doesn’t suspect. The phone lies disconnected. The humming bird sighs, bored. The nail polish on his toenails is too much. Graphite and watercolor on canvas.
When supplies run out, things get ugly. The spouses begin to wonder about how The Other flesh probable tastes like. It would be by all means just another way of getting to know themselves better. And they don’t even like peas. Graphite and watercolor on canvas.
A getaway picnic to the country always soothes the Gourmet’s anxieties. After binging, the good wine numbs that never-satisfied hunger. The doll from the music box won’t stop dancing. The sun sets. Graphite on canvas.
They have been invited to a great party: a food and dance orgy. She can’t zip her dress. He has always loved to help. And fervently look how the black fabric embraces her formidable bottom. Graphite on canvas.