Selma goes to the streets, looking for the people with no umbrellas. She finds them: youngsters, adults, children, elderly. All of them get an umbrella, a shelter from the cold rain. Graphite on paper.

Selma goes to the streets, looking for the people with no umbrellas. She finds them: youngsters, adults, children, elderly. All of them get an umbrella, a shelter from the cold rain. Graphite on paper.
Selma takes with her all the broken umbrellas than fit inside her fabulous bag. They are a lot. And back home, it takes seven days for her to mend them and leave them looking as good as new. Aquatint.
The fish storm out of the room, towards the streets. Selma follows with her bag under her arm. They lead her to the legendary Umbrella Dumpster. There Selma has an idea. Etching.
Selma is awoken by the sound of tens of fins thumping on her floor, dying fish, choking for air, damp, desperate. They are like the boy with no umbrella. Graphite on paper.
Selma can’t stop thinking: How many of this people without umbrellas are there in the city? Etching.
The boy follows Selma to her home and deposits a gift on her feet: a broken umbrella. Watercolor and ink on paper.
One day, a boy with not umbrella comes to Selma’s stall. A person with no umbrella, on a city like this, where it is always raining, it’s worse than be naked, you never cease to be wet. Selma’s soul breaks and she tries to cover the boy with her umbrella. Graphite on paper.
The bridge Selma works upon is one that is jammed with traffic, both human and vehicled. Ink on paper.
Selma is a chubby woman with a heart of gold. She sells candy and knickknacks on top of a pedestrian bridge. She has a bag that can fit almost anything. Etching.
Saskia knew they weren’t her true aunts. Maybe now her real relatives will come. But for now, she has learned to take care of herself and to set limits. Her mother would be shocked, but proud nonetheless. She is on her way out, this time she didn’t forget to lock the door. Watercolor and graphite on canvas.
Saskia invites her alleged aunts to a dinner party. A very special dinner. The three women are delighted: they think that the surly, insect-loving girl has finally given in to their charisma. But it is too late when they realize that the child has used the syrup canned butterflies to fix the exquisite stew they wolfed down without knowing. Their members stiffen and the air freezes inside their throats just as Saskia foresaw: allergic to butterflies. Watercolor and graphite on canvas.
Saskia keeps a secret treasure. A little white dragon that floats inside a crystal bottle. After the revelation of the dead butterflies, she decides she needs courage to do what has to be done. So she drinks the dragon in one gulp. Watercolor and graphite on canvas.
Horrified, Saskia discovers her aunts around a boiling cauldron, her twisted faces in monstrous grins, the sound of their laughter makes the crystals on the windows and Saskia´s insides rattle. She can’t believe this women are her mother’s sisters. Then, one of them, almost carelessly, tosses a butterfly into the cauldron that is simmering with colored wings. Saskia is frozen on her post, understanding why butterflies have become more and more scarce on her furtive walks. Watercolor and graphite on canvas.
One night, strange and shrilling laughter wake Saskia up. Incapable of going back to sleep, she decides to discover the source. The blue butterfly on her heels. Watercolor and graphite on canvas.
Saskia goes out of the house without permission and invites a butterfly to come in. From afar, one of her aunts is watching. Watercolor and graphite on canvas.
Saskia loves butterflies. They are her favorite animals, and so were of her mother. Her aunts don’t seem no like them at all. Watercolor and graphite on canvas.
Saskia has lost her mother. Three women have come to take care of her. She opened the door without asking who they were, they told her that they were her aunts. Watercolor and graphite on canvas.
When she was a child she loved tress. Loves them still. Here she is saying goodbye to one that was killed the next day. Watercolor and ink on paper.
I don’t know if they found it, i wish they managed to weather all storms. Ink on paper.
Him and Her where together for a long time. It was a good encounter. Ink and watercolor on paper.
Behind the mask, Lavinia realizes something: the theater is empty. Silence deafens her. She sees no one, the seats look battered, dusty, like nobody has seaten down there in years, the wooden floor creaks under her feet, the former ghost has been performing for the spirits that inhabit the theatre, and has felt happy. Lavinia, strangely, is not disappointed, she knows that she can take off the mask, and the illusion will come back. A bird escapes from its cage, Lavinia’s bones remain solid. Watercolor and ink on paper.
Just before she takes the stage, Lavinia receives a gift from her agents: a mask like the ones they use. It’s beautiful, the singer of the fragmented spirit wears it and goes out to face the audience. Graphite on paper.
Lavinia readies herself for another performance. Her agents and musicians are seen only inside the mirror. Lavinia doesn’t realize this. She can only think of the intoxicating sound of the audience, in the freedom she finds on stage. Graphite on paper.
The strange agents weave threads above the city, o maybe they are just giving maintenance to the theater. Photoengraving, aquatint and etching.
Lavinia sings and abandons herself in each performance. Her fans always wear masks. Lavinia doesn’t ask herself why, she is too happy to question such a strange phenomena. Watercolor and ink on paper.
Lavinia’s act is advertised on posters thorough the city, the strange agents manage to always fill the theatre. Lavinia is happy of been seen and not ignored, like when she was a ghost. Watercolor on paper.
Lavinia settles in the theater, in the nights she dances to the rhythm of the weird men’s music. Soon she joins her voice, and the vaudeville show of Lavinia Borromeo is soon displayed on the marquee. Graphite on paper.
Some strange looking men show up on the alley, playing weird music. Lavinia asks where they live, they say on the theatre. Lavinia’s footed trunk follows them. Monotype.
Lavinia Borromeo is a former ghost that wishes to perform on a big stage. She carries her fragmented spirit in tenths of caged birds, only that way she can keep her physical form. She hates the abstract, she is a lover of all things sensual. Watercolor, ink and acrylic on paper.
Klodia finally receives a patient, but being absent-minded because of her despair over the dying flower, she doesn’t realize that this man came very recently and, going against one of the first laws of emotiontomies, which says that a considerable amount of time must be put between two procedures, Klodia opens his chest only to realize that she has unwillingly provoked his death. Klodia weeps, knowing that this patient had come to die by her hands. Like the flower. Graphite on paper.
Klodia loves to watch the world from her fourth floor, she takes her telescope and peeks into the life of others. Maybe she can catch a glimpse of the moments in which their hearts are burdened, only to be released later by her and her wonderful scalpel. Tinta y acrílico sobre papel.
Totally obssesed with the flower, Klodia has neglegted her patients. To the point it is hard to know who looks closer to death: Klodia or the flower. More and more people with burdened hearts stand in line outside her office, waiting for her to be able to wield her scalpel again. Graphite on paper.
Klodia has tried everything to save the flower. But she has no heart to be emptied, she doesn’t speak, there is no communication the Heart-Emptier can use to help her. She is beyond all her knowledge. Utterly despaired, Klodia takes her to the nearest bar, hoping that her blood can be revived with some wine. Graphite and colored pencil on paper.
Klodia waits for her turn to cross the street. On The Wrong Side of Town it’s always raining, so everyone must own an umbrella, even cats. Ink and watercolor on paper.
Klodia can’t help herself, she picks the flower from the pavement, and kisses it. It would have been trampled by all the indifferent feet. Graphite on paper.
One day, Klodia finds a dying flower on the street. Ink and watercolor on paper.
Klodia developed the emotion extraction technique to use it on her own heart. Unfortunately she can’t perform one of herself. So she uses her knowledge to ease other people. It’s a true surgery. With scalpels and all, Klodia knows where to cut, for she knows the human heart perfectly. Ink and watercolor on paper.
Klodia has her office on a fourth floor. There she welcomes her eager-to-get-rid-of-unsolved-emotions patients. Emotiontomies are in high demand.
Klodia is much more that a good listener. She is an emotion extractor. Blind from an eye. Tricks from the trade. Charcoal and pastel on paper.
Klodia Columbario has no problems with Death. She is in peace knowing that one day the party will be over. Graphite and watercolor on canvas.
Before she decides to go to the Great Sea, Errut considers what she doesn´t need in her life. She lacks the time to know it. She feels she is running out of time to decide. Graphite on paper.
Errut arrives at the Great Sea, she gets rid of her box and her gloves. What she craves most is to feel the sand and the water. A different kind of reflection. Ink on paper.
Errut descends towards the Great Sea, the dragon whispering the whereabouts in her ear. The only thing she kept was her black box. Watercolor and ink on paper.
Errut takes the white dragon home, where she feeds him with her shoe shining equipment. The dragon almost gags but swallows it. Now Errut has no means of making a living in that city, she has to leave. Ink and watercolor on paper.
Wandering around an unknown neighborhood, Errut meets a little white dragon who looks famished. He promises to tell her how to get to the Great Sea, if she provides him with something valuable to eat. Ink and watercolor on paper.
Errut hops on the metro, hoping to bump into someone who knows how to get to the Great Sea. Ink and watercolor on paper.
Errut tries in vain to remember the last time shoe shinning made her happy. Or how was it that she ended up looking at her reflection on so many people´s glossy shoes. Graphite on paper.